National Council for the Centenary of Federation
URL: The home page for this supporter is located at
Federation and Meteorology is an online resource drawing on the rich and authoritative historical resources of the Bureau of Meteorology, publishing on the Web for the first time major articles that have been difficult to access. The project was generously funded by the National Council for the Centenary of Federation, based on the observation that the emergence of Australian meteorology as a science parallels closely the story of Federation and was both influenced by and contributed to the ambition of nationhood.
The project unlocks the rich and evocative story of meteorology in Australia and provides broad public access via the Web to more than 600,000 words of text and 300 images. More than one hundred new biographical entries were added to the Bright Sparcs and Australian Science at Work databases, integrated with and complementing the online resource, and 15 existing Bright Sparcs entries were upgraded.
Development of these pages was made possible through the project, Federation and Meteorology, supported by the National Council for the Centenary of Federation.
Foundation Supporter of
- Akeroyd, Arthur Gordon (1890 - 1948)
- Arthur, Jim
- Ashton, Henry Tamblyn (Harry) ( - 1992)
- Bahr, Victor John (1918 - )
- Banfield, Henry Evans (1887 - 1974)
- Barclay, Peter Armstrong (1939 - )
- Barrell, Susan Lesley (1953 - )
- Bath, Allen Tristram ( - 1998)
- Bell, Fred (1911? - 1979)
- Bond, George Grant (1874 - 1938)
- Bond, Harold George (1912 - )
- Bradshaw, Brian
- Brann, Harold Walter Allan Neall (Bill) (1911 - 1995)
- Brook, Bob
- Brunt, Allan Thomas (1920 - )
- Burn, John
- Clarke, Raymond W. (1930 - )
- Clarke, Reginald Henry (1914 - 1990)
- Cohen, Dick (1916 - )
- Cornish, Allan William (1910 - 1995)
- Crowder, Robert Bernard (1930 - 2006)
- de la Lande, Ralph Slade (1923 - 2006)
- Dixon, Bettye
- Downey, William (1942 - )
- Dwyer, Leonard Joseph (1907 - 1962)
- Dwyer, Walter Anthony (1902 - 1981)
- Falls, Rex (1941 - )
- Fletcher, Peter (1943 - )
- Foley, James Charles (1892 - 1967)
- Forder, Douglas Highmoor (Doug) (1912 - 1979)
- Forgan, Bruce
- Furler, Graeme
- Gaffney, Desmond Owen (1926 - )
- Gauntlett, Douglas John (1942 - )
- Gibbs, William James (Bill) (1916 - 2005)
- Glendinning, Colin (Col) (1920 - 1996)
- Grimwade, John Frederick Thornton (1905 - 1992)
- Haldane, Thomas A.
- Hall, Thomas Taylor (Tom) (1921 - )
- Handcock, Donald Edwin (Don) (1926 - )
- Hannay, Alexander Keith (Keith) (1914 - )
- Henderson, Keith (1926 - )
- Herry, Fritz (1929 - )
- Hogan, John (1896 - 1970)
- Hogan, John (1912 - 1978)
- Holmes, Ralph Aubrey Edward ( - 1981)
- Hunt, Henry Ambrose (1866 - 1946)
- Jevons, William Stanley (1835 - 1882)
- Johnston, John (1908 - 1980)
- Jones, Inigo Owen (1872 - 1954)
- Joyce, John ( - 1992)
- Karoly, David John (1955 - )
- Kennedy, Mal
- Kidson, Edward (1882 - 1939)
- Kingsland, Richard (1916 - )
- Kininmonth, Bill
- Kupsch, David ( - 1998)
- Lajoie, France Albert (1923 - )
- Lee, Dan
- Leighton, Robert Murray (Bob) (1940 - )
- Lillywhite, John Wilson (1914 - 1994)
- Linforth, Donald John (1934 - )
- Lloyd, Stephen Henry (Steve) ( - 1992)
- Loewe, Fritz Philipp (1895 - 1974)
- Lomas, K. C. (Kev)
- Lourensz, Robert S. (Bob)
- Love, Geoff
- Mackey, George William (1906 - 1979)
- Maher, John Vincent ( - 1993)
- Maine, Ross (1933? - 1986)
- Manton, Michael
- Marceglia, Albina Zora (1919 - )
- Mares, David John (1879 - )
- Mason, Ian Bruce (1941 - )
- Maury, Matthew Fontaine (1806 - 1873)
- McRae, John Neil (Neil) (1914 - 1998)
- Mitchell, Lynn Raymond (1927 - )
- Moriarty, W. W.
- Muffatti, A. H. (Arthur) ( - 1979)
- Murfett, A. M.
- Neal, Alan Bruce (1943 - )
- Neumayer, Georg Balthasar von (1826 - 1909)
- Newman, Bernard William (1899 - 1965)
- Nicholls, Neville (1950 - )
- Noar, Peter (1940 - )
- Ogg, J. Cumming
- O'Mahony, Gerard (Gerry)
- Phillips, Edward Frank (1923 - )
- Phillpot, Henry Robert (1919 - )
- Powell, Frank Anthony (Tony) (1924 - )
- Priestley, Charles Henry Brian (1915 - 1998)
- Quayle, Edwin Thomas (1862 - 1955)
- Retallack, Bruce James
- Richards, Alfred Stanley (Stan) (1886 - )
- Rofe, Bryan (1918 - 1971)
- Russell, Ian
- Ryan, Patrick (Pat) (? - 1977)
- Shaw, Peter
- Shields, Archibald John (1914 - 1995)
- Smith, Len (1920 - )
- Smith, W. T. P. (1920 - )
- Spillane, Kevin Thomas (1929? - )
- Squires, Patrick (1914 - 1990)
- Stibbs, Keith
- Storer, Harold Reginald (Harry) (1907 - )
- Stout, Reginald William (Reg) (1921 - 2001)
- Streten, Neil Anthony (1933 - )
- Sullivan, Patrick Joseph (1938 - )
- Swan, Keith (1916 - )
- Taylor, Thomas Griffith (1880 - 1963)
- Timcke, Edward Waldemar (Tim) (1890 - 1982)
- Todd, Charles (1826 - 1910)
- Tralaggan, Gordon E.
- Treloar, Harry Mayne (c. 1899 - 1963)
- Tucker, Gilbert Brian (Brian) (1930 - )
- Voice, Mary Elizabeth (1946 - )
- Walker, Robert Lennox (Lennox) (1925 - 2000)
- Ware, Bill
- Warren, Herbert Norman (1888 - 1950)
- Watt, William Shand (1876 - 1958)
- Weisser, Frederick Christian (1893 - 1987)
- White, Arthur Charles
- Whittingham, Herbert E. ( - 1970)
- Wilson, Kenneth John (1948 - )
- Wragge, Clement Lindley (1852 - 1922)
- Wright, David ( - 1980)
Former Supporter of
Published by The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre on ASAPWeb, 1994 - 2007
Originally published 1994-1999 by Australian Science Archives Project, 1999-2006 by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre Disclaimer, Copyright and Privacy Policy
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Prepared by: Acknowledgements
Updated: 26 February 2007
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