Prior ASAP Staff
Andrea Barnes
Project Archivist, 1995-96
The past year has seen Andrea continue her work in a variety of areas within ASAP including collections, research, and survey and scoping projects for the power generating companies and other client organisations. Andrea has worked on several scoping projects (including Loy Yang Power Ltd and J.H. Willis records), undertaken collection projects (such as ATSE and J.S. Turner) and continued to assist Bronwyn Hewitt one day a week at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. Andrea has also assisted in the on-going Royal Australian Chemical Institute project. Her background in science and archival experience made her the perfect choice for The University of Melbourne Research Records Project, where she researched and developed guidelines for the creation and maintenance of records for the School of Chemistry. Andrea departed ASAP in December to cycle her way around the world.
Daniel Cass
Field Officer/Archivist, 1995-96
Daniel began working for ASAP part-time on the A.D. Butcher Collection and Willsmere Museum/Archives project. He departed ASAP in December 1996 to take up a position with Scienceworks (Victoria).
Katrina Dean
Field Officer, 1997-98
Katrina joined ASAP's Canberra Office in August 1997 in a new role of Field Officer, bringing with her many skills gained during her time working at Australian Archives. Following the closure of ASAP's Canberra Office in May 1998, Katrina will be returning to Australian Archives after submitting her BA Honours (History) Thesis.
Robert Hartland
Project Archivist, CSL Bioplasma Broadmeadows, 1995-97
Robert was ASAP's as Project Archivist at CSL Bioplasma Broadmeadows. He worked part-time at CSL while completing his Masters in Archives and Records Management at Monash University and left ASAP to tutor in his chosen field of study.
Guillaume Mallet
Bright Sparcs Search Engine Design and Computer Programming Activities, 1996
Guillaume was originally employed in ASAP's Canberra office on a casual basis to assist with the maintenance of our WWW server and to develop a new search interface for Bright Sparcs. In March 1996, Guillaume was offered a six month contract to continue this work. He developed considerable expertise in the development of WWW resources, particularly in creating and maintaining indexing systems. He was also responsible for the French version of STAMA's Archiving the Records of Contemporary Science, Liège 1996 (Archivages des Papiers de Savants Contemporains - Liège 1996) and the background research for Bright Sparcs online exhibition Pasteur in Australia. His work was of great value to ASAP and underlined our need for a full-time computer specialist. Guillaume departed ASAP in November 1996 to return to France.
Elle Morrell
Administrative Assistant, 1996-97
Elle began working for ASAP as part of the Generation Victoria Project in 1996. She was the first point of contact for clients, and a touchstone for all GenVic staff, who were regularly travelling to the La Trobe Valley. Elle's responsibilities included liaison with clients, university and ASAP Melbourne office, and she also managed to develop her records processing skills. The closure of this project went smoothly because of Elle's inimitable style and organisational skills. Following the conclusion of GenVic, Elle transferred to ASAP Melbourne where, as well as assisting in general administrative matters, she took on the role of Conference Coordinator and the facilitator for ASAP's proposed teaching program.
Jo Mushin
Archivist, 1995-96
After working as part of a Melbourne team for the Generation Victoria project, Jo continued with Generation Victoria by becoming the archivist with the task of working on Provenance and Series descriptions. Sadly (for ASAP), Jo Mushin left in February to go travelling abroad. We hear she is currently having a marvellous time in Europe.
Imbi Neeme
Office Manager, 1995-96
Imbi was ASAP's first entirely 'administrative' staff member, and as our Melbourne Office Manager, she was responsible for the day-to-day running of ASAP Melbourne. Imbi was ASAP's frontline person for all inquiries and kept all of us organised. She developed many internal records management systems and forged many important links with key University staff. Imbi, who has a background in literary and performance theory, jetted off to the USA and Europe in June 1996.
Michelle Novacco
Project Archivist, 1995-96
This year, Michelle continued in her role as the archivist in charge of appraisal and disposal for the Generation Victoria project— a very challenging task. Her work as the Morwell Project Archivist for Generation Victoria has been invaluable. We were all very sad when Michelle left us for the New Mexican desert at the end of June. She never did get that collection of her own to work on, and we believe she will be curating an exhibition on the history of fast food restaurants in New Mexico somewhere in the near future.
Lisa O'Sullivan
Administrative Officer, Projects Coordinator & Manager, WWW Resource Developer, and Assistant Director, Finance and Human Resources, 1991-97
Lisa O'Sullivan undertook many roles within ASAP over a six year period. These included development, archival and management positions,
including that of WWW Resource Developer and Assistant Director,
Finance and Human Resources. Lisa left ASAP in July 1997 to undertake further study and enhance her career in the history of science, technology and medicine.
Karl Slotte
Bibliographic Data Entry, 1996-97
Karl was a casual employee in ASAP's Canberra Office and worked on the History of Australian Science Bibliography.
Denise Sutherland
Bright Sparcs Site Manager and WWW Resource Developer, 1996-98
Denise started at ASAP in 1996 as a WWW Resource Developer and quickly became Bright Sparcs Site Manager as her areas of expertise increased.
Her work encompassed many areas, including graphic design, research, exhibition development, and the creation of many valuable Bright Sparcs resources. Denise's work includes:
Denise left ASAP in January 1998 to start her own freelance graphic and web design business, Sutherland Studios (e-mail:
Elissa Tenkate
Manager, Canberra Office, and Publications & Marketing Manager, 1996-98
Elissa joined ASAP's Canberra Office in August 1996 as Publications and Marketing Manager, a newly formed position. She was responsible for the development of ASAP's public image, including the production of marketing materials, publications and management of ASAPWeb. Elissa's achievements while working for ASAP were many: she redesigned
ASAPWeb, established a strong development program for Bright Sparcs, made a strong contribution to the Directory of Archives in Australia and Bright Sparcs databases, and brought together a corporate look for ASAP's publications and marketing material. Elissa was appointed Manager of ASAP's Canberra Office following the departure of Deputy Director, Tim Sherratt. She successfully led a team which significantly developed the Bright Sparcs WWW Site, including:
Elissa left ASAP in May 1998 following the closure of the Canberra Office.
Victoria Young
WWW Resource Developer, 1995-96
As ASAP's WWW Resource Developer in the Canberra Office, Victoria made many valuable contributions to ASAP's online resources, quickly developing expertise in the development of WWW resources and contributing much to the working of the Canberra Office. Her online work includes the Australian Academy of Science Biographical Memoirs and The Journal of Syms Covington, and many more. Unfortunately Victoria was lured away from ASAP Canberra by a cadetship with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and left in February 1996. We are very grateful for her enthusiasm and support and wish her all the best in her new career. Of course, we expect Victoria to appraise us of ASAP expansion opportunities in regions where she is posted!
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Science Archives Project on ASAPWeb
Updated by: Helen Morgan
Date modified: 3 November 1998