35, December 1995 ISSN 0811-4757
The Australian Academy of Science has initiated a video history project to record interviews with outstanding Australian scientists for this and future generations. The interviews cover background, personal and cultural influences, major research interests, mentors and other aspects of scientists' careers that are not documented in their formal research publications.
Nine video interviews have been completed. The subjects are:
The interviews were carried out by Dr Max Blythe, Principal Lecturer in the School of Biological and Molecular Sciences at Oxford Brookes University in the UK. Dr Blythe is the co-ordinator of the Royal College of Physicians and Oxford Brookes University VTR Archive, and he has been awarded a Wellcome Fellowship for two years to develop his work in this field.
Copies of the tapes are available for viewing or for loan through the Academy's Basser Library. To make arrangements contact the librarian, Rosanne Clayton, at the Academy: phone (06) 247 3966, fax (06) 257 4620, email
The Academy is now planning to extend the project to include physical scientists, and to increase the range of researchers covered. To discuss the project in more detail phone the Development Officer, Nancy Lane, on (06) 247 5330.
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