Australian archival responsibilities and achievements lag far
behind those of comparable economies. In some institutions in
the United States, for example, researchers may enjoy the luxury
of the archives remaining open six days each week, with the added
advantage of extended evening hours in the summer. While State
and Commonwealth records management authorities here are professionally
staffed and take their responsibilities seriously (and I believe
the situation with respect to staffing has improved dramatically
over the past 10 years) they are invariably undermined by too
few resources and too few senior bureaucrats who understand or
appreciate the role of archives and good records management techniques.
Government archives have frequently been either ignored, deliberately
starved of funds, used as a repository for unsackable staff, or
seen merely as window-dressing for politicians or public servants
who set out to circumvent, consciously or unconsciously, the records
management process. As has been found elsewhere, Freedom of Information
legislation has had the effect of encouraging public servants
to put very little on paper, to treat everything as a working
document, or to conduct daily search-and-shred missions. Sometimes
these strategies are quite innocent in that they are designed
not to hide information, but simply to avoid the problem of having
to archive it.
Historians in this country simply cannot luxuriate in a plethora
of records held in comfortable and appropriate surroundings, cared
for by well-resourced institutions and expert staff. When the
need for sources reaches beyond government records, the problem
is even worse. All too frequently business historians must search
out their sources in the basements of deserted buildings and boxes
of retired staff members. My personal low was reached in these
circumstances when during preliminary work for a recently completed
book on the Australian wheat industry it emerged, quite by accident
in casual conversation, that there were further sources available
but they were kept off site in a building no longer used down
by the Yarra River. The building had once housed research facilities,
and grain samples have a particular attraction for the wildlife
that frequents the banks of the Yarra. Hundreds of bundles of
records were piled in the corners of rooms or arranged on rickety
shelves, and the whole area was covered with dust and cobwebs,
and littered with animal and bird droppings and the remnants of
various vagrants who used the poorly secured building at numerous
times, as well as the detritus of past office staff who had clearly
played table tennis amongst the bundles of records, or laid their
sandwiches on any clean piece of paper that came to hand. Even
more disturbing was the revelation of the driver despatched to
take us to the site, that several months previously he and others
had been ordered to dump for destruction large quantities of records
from the same site.
On the positive side, though too late to save those shredded
records, the knowledge of our appointment as historians had preceded
our arrival and a vigorous attempt was being made to manage these
remaining records before removal to later storage. We hired an
assistant to help us list the records, but then the precious list
he created was ignored when temporarily underemployed staff were
despatched to begin moving the material. We never did manage
to match up the dozens of carefully prepared handwritten foolscap
lists with the computer list subsequently generated by staff delegated
to clean up the mess. I am sure our history is the poorer for
With a few quite wonderful exceptions, businesses in this country
rarely consider the long-term need to document their activities.
This paper will suggest some of the reasons why I believe this
is so and make some practical suggestions as to how these problems
may be addressed.
Why are we so poorly served by our archives?
Even though frequently quite proud of their contribution to Australia's
history, business organisations are not interested in documenting
their history in any substantial way. Records management systems,
where they exist, do so not to make historians happy but to meet
the particular needs of staff, the board, shareholders or legislation.
Good archival practice is still only rarely followed when establishing
a records management system, and once in place its prime use is
often the maintenance of destruction schedules which enable staff
to destroy records without guilt, according to a timetable drawn
up by experts. Records management systems do not generate money
and may in fact be quite expensive to set up and maintain; they
do not clearly contribute to productivity, are tax-deductable
only in certain circumstances, and do not obviously contribute
to the corporate image. Consequently what does survive is serendipitous.
1. The 'Pretty is Pertinent' Syndrome
In my experience of working with a number of businesses, as well
as Government organisations, those records most likely to survive
are those which are suitable for display or which are attractive
in some way. Too often attractiveness comes down to mean 'lots
of pictures', leather bound, or colourful. Nevertheless even these
simplistic criteria for collection have in the past enabled me
to date precisely the taking out of a patent (because patent applications,
particularly in the nineteenth century, can be quite attractive);
changes to packaging or labelling, because some underemployed
junior member of staff (or more recently work experience student)
has been delegated to keep a scrapbook of such things. I have
also found voluminous sample promotional material for new product
launches. This can be useful in that it may facilitate an understanding
of new marketing strategies. Unfortunately, the core details an
economic historian would really like to know, such as how much
did this promotion cost, what proportion of the budget was spent
on marketing, whose idea was it to proceed with this product,
which product or marketing strategy did not make it to this stage
and why, all seem to disappear without trace. Board Minutes, which
of course almost always survive, carry wonderfully uninformative
statements such as: 'the Board expresses its appreciation to the
whole staff on the professional launch of product B.'
2. The Costs of Professional Management
A key factor in ensuring that records management remains a low
priority item for many businesses is the very high cost associated
with establishing and maintaining a professional archives and
records management system. Once such a system is in place, of
course, the annual budget line is not so daunting, but to begin
from scratch is a big commitment and in recessionary times such
items quickly become seen as luxuries. Even the option of consigning
the task to an external institution has resource costs and may
add to concerns over security.
3. The Only Good Document is a Secret Document
The issue of privacy and security is a real one for many businesses,
particularly when a company may be working on a new product or
process and may be worried about competitors. It is also one area
where the intersection of business interest and scientific and
technical values may come together most clearly. Policy decisions,
personnel practices and personal files, market survey data, internal
review results, financial data, research reports on competitors'
products may all be items which a company might not wish to retain,
or might agree to retain only under the most stringent security
arrangements. Yet this is the very data which an historian of
business or science might wish most to consult.
Professional historians and archivists must work very hard, in
conjunction with business, to develop strategies which can reassure
business that secrets can be kept, or that they can be revealed
only in a non-damaging or non-threatening manner. I have found
very little difficulty in getting access to most data, but typically
only after I have spent a considerable amount of time getting
to know the organisation, the individuals, the concerns of the
business. Frequently the historian has no intention of revealing
secure data, but simply needs access to such detail in order to
fully understand, for example, the process of decision making.
Where an external archive is involved, it is almost always possible
to put in place protective strategies to ensure that no sensitive
material is inappropriately released. But we have not been very
successful in conveying our working methods to the appropriate
4. Why keep records at all?
A final constraint for many organisations is a failure to comprehend
or to accept the process of records management or the role of
archives. My best illustration of this comes from work in a local
government authority where, after some months of research, I discovered
that in fact more than one section maintained a separate internal
records system and only relinquished what they saw as unimportant
material to what, on the face of it, looked like a relatively
professionally managed records management system. When I queried
this it emerged that many staff did not trust the system or, perhaps
more accurately, the person managing the system, because they
saw the whole task as 'make work' for a staff member who was difficult.
Clearly the educative process necessary when an organisation moves
to proper records management had either been non-existent or had
failed miserably in this instance. While I would like to think
this was an isolated instance, I know it is not.
In addition to the failure to understand the role of records
management, businesspeople frequently interpret 'historical' to
mean the past five years. Any understanding of what the company
stands for, what its short and long term goals might be, who are
or have been its customers, whether the company has ever made
any original contributions to work practices and labour relations,
or introduced any technical or industrial innovations, is rarely
linked to any understanding of the historical process of change
over many decades. The simple prescription that we should learn
from past experience seems to apply in most companies only to
last year's sales figures. This problem has intensified over the
last decade as Australian businesses have indulged in a frenzy
of takeovers, mergers and acquisitions so that any residual sense
of historical continuity has often been lost. Yet such changes
make it even more imperative that the details of company origins
and activities are preserved.
Having said all this, it is my contention that the lack of understanding,
the paucity of finance/resources and of security, as an explanation
for the relative invisibility of the history of business in this
country, are simply excuses for our professional failure to produce
good archival-based histories. Too often we avoid the issue of
archival research because of its perceived difficulties. Australian
historians would like to be able to walk down the street and into
a beautifully appointed archive, preferably with lunch facilities,
and find opened for them on the desk the full and complete records
of company B. Instead they have to trek out to Laverton, go cap
in hand to various organisations, or brave the limited facilities
of our two general business archives. Short of finding a pot of
gold which will magically resolve our resource difficulties, or
a commercially marketable argument which will ease the fears of
our business leaders, business historians must stop excusing their
invisibility, and begin working more innovatively with what they
do have.
Turning despair into delight
One of the best ways to convince business of the value of historical
research is to undertake such work and ensure that the results
are widely disseminated. There are a number of strategies I wish
to recommend here:
1. Making the most of record collections that do exist
While the particular business you are interested in may have
apparently sunk without trace except for an incomplete record
in the Public Record Office, it may be possible to build up a
relatively complete analysis by thinking more broadly, and so
create a detailed industry profile within which the features of
a particular company may be usefully revealed. In devising such
a profile a number of research strategies can be helpful. As an
illustration of one such approach, the University of Melbourne
Archives maintains quite extensive holdings on Victorian clay-based
industries. As a group which operated very much in tandem, possibly
even as a cartel, these various company records can tell us a
great deal about the operations of the entire industry - fleshing
out the voluminous data on production, number of plants, staff
recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Thinking widely,
what records exist for this general category of company, what
unions were involved, what local government authorities, what
other government bodies may have had contact with the industry
through the monitoring of health and safety standards, for example.
Such institutional data can then be further expanded by interviews,
site visits, examination of artefacts, trade catalogues, local
history collections, family memoirs and photograph albums, company
pamphlets and newsletters.
2.The application of other research techniques
In certain circumstances research techniques adapted from other
disciplines such as anthropology and sociology - the technique
of participant observation - may prove instructive in a number
of ways. Some of the best finds of caches of records, of subjects
to interview, of work practices, and the most important breakthroughs
in understanding a 'company culture' have come about when we have
actually been working within the organisation, either sorting
records, completing research on identified materials or, as we
did with the wheat project, actually running the project from
an office within the organisation.
Clearly there is nothing new in these approaches. Historians
have always been innovative in developing research strategies
to further their understanding of social history, but the imagination
employed, for example, to recreate domestic and political life
has only rarely been applied to economic questions in the Australian
context. Consequently we know very little about whole sectors
of Australian industry - the individuals involved, the experience
of work, the technology employed, the comparative level of expertise,
customer demands, the legislative and social and economic framework
within which such businesses were forced to operate, the sources
of capital and labour, international links and so on. We have
as a group been daunted or dissuaded by our belief that the records
do not exist for such studies. My point is that, at least for
the foreseeable future, those records will not be found nestling
in carefully labelled archive boxes, and until we demonstrate
that there is some value in setting up such collections they never
will find such a home.
3. Learning to Communicate
Just as Scienceworks, the Powerhouse Museum and the National
Maritime Museum have discovered, communication at a number of
different levels is the name of the game. In this case business
historians have to demonstrate to the world of business that what
we do has value, is interesting and has a commercial market. At
the present time almost any business archive in this country would
find it difficult to name a single major study which has resulted
from research in their collections. Until we do what we are trained
to do and do it well, business will not notice or value our work.
Academic historians have to become used to the idea of spreading
their message beyond the half-dozen other historians working on
similar or related problems. Ordinary people in this country do
not read history. Every year I ask my students in the Commerce
Faculty what was the last history book they read. If anyone can
recall ever having read a history book it is almost invariably
Manning Clarke's Short History of Australia. This past
semester, I was even more alarmed to find an equally negative
answer amongst my students in the Arts Faculty. Historians must
learn to write history that people read and enjoy. In our role
as teachers we must develop strategies that encourage students
into archives, and which teach them how to write up the results
of their research in an accessible manner. History needs to be
read for pleasure again.
While academic advancement continues to rely upon publication
in international scholarly journals there will be little encouragement
for us to write for a wider audience. In terms of our ability
to convince the business sector that our activities have value,
then it has to be recognised that while business people do not
want a heavy tome, neither do they necessarily want a lightweight
coffee-table publication (although in some circumstances such
a promotional item may be just the thing to convince them of the
value of a more detailed study). When we were working on our history
of Australian wheat, our target audience was the 40,000 wheat
farmers who might reasonably be expected to be interested in such
a study. Although I think we lost sight of that audience in a
couple of chapters, it has been heartening to have responses from
farmers and workers in the grains industry who recognised their
experience in our history.
While I do not want us historians, archivists and curators to
abandon our lobbying for more resources, better facilities, higher
profiles and greater understanding of our role and achievements,
my message is that as innovative and imaginative professionals
we can do better yet with what we have.