Some of the achievements of the optical munitions branch must necessarily remain secret, but it is understood that what has already been accomplished will become a milestone in the scientific progress of Australia.
Canberra Times, 24 February 1941, p. 2.
Within a year the OMP had overcome its major obstacles - the crisis was over
By the time Japan had entered the war in December 1941, the work of the Optical Munitions Panel was well advanced. Many of the instruments developed would have been used in the Pacific theatre, defending Australia.
In total, forty-three different types of optical instruments were produced, and the number of items manufactured ran to well over 26,000. Hartnett had even arranged for 7,000 roof prisms to be exported to the USA. In addition the OMP had undertaken valuable work in related areas, such as tropic proofing.
The Optical Munitions Panel, renamed the Scientific Instruments and Optical Panel, was finally disbanded in December 1945. Not only had scientists successfully turned their skills towards the war effort, Australia's youthful manufacturing industries had proved they were capable of meeting the highest standards.