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The Journal of Syms Covington |
Gavin de Beer. Some Unpublished Letters of Charles Darwin; Royal Society of London, Notes and Records 14:12-66 (1959). [Includes letters between Darwin and Covington.]
B.J. Ferguson. Syms Covington of Pambula; Merimbula-Imlay District Historical Society, Merimbula (1971). [The principal biography of Covington.]
Linnaean Society of New South Wales. Notes and Exhibits; Proceedings of t he Linnaean Society of New South Wales 27:344-5 (1902). [Lists articles belonging to Syms Covington, including the Journal, presented to the Linnaean Society by his son. Most of these are now in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.]
Peter Brent. Charles Darwin, "a Man of Enlarged Curiosity"; Heinemann, London (1981). [One of the most recent of the innumerable biographies of Darwin.]
Paul Russell Cutright. The Great Naturalists Explore South America; Macmillan, New York (1940). [An description of the animals through the eyes of Darwin's contemporaries.]
Loren Eiseley. Darwin's Century; Doubleday, New York (1961). [The most widely read and referenced book on Darwin and his times.]
Benjamin Farrington. What Darwin Really Said; Shockten, New York (1966). [A general discussion of evolution as Darwin conceived of it, something quite different from modern evolutionary theory.]
Robert Hopkins. Darwin's South America; John Day, New York (1969). [Excellent discussion of a turbulent historical period.]
Richard Darwin Keynes. The Beagle Record; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1979). [A large beautiful, coffee table book, consequently expensive. Contains reproductions of many pictures from the voyage, including two drawn by Covington. A descendant of Charles Darwin.]
Alan Moorehead. Darwin and the Beagle; Hamish Hamilton, London (1969). [A well written, popular book with lots of pictures; also published in paperback.]
Christopher Ralling. The Voyages of Charles Darwin; British Broadcasting Company, London (1978). [The book of the television series.]
Irving Stone. The Origin, a biographical novel of Charles Darwin; Cassell, London (1981). [A novel that does not stray from actual events.]
Emma Nora Barlow. Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle; Philosophical Library, New York (1946). [Written by Darwin's granddaughter; a collection of letters and notebooks from the voyage.]
Emma Nora Barlow. Darwin's Ornithological Notes; Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Historical Series 2(7):200-278 (1963).
Emma Nora Barlow. Darwin and Henslow Letters from 1831-1860; John Murray , London (1967). [letters between Darwin and his mentor; the Reverend Henslow taught botany at Cambridge.]
Emma Nora Barlow. Charles Darwin's Diary of the Voyage of the H.M.S. "Beagle"; Kraus Reprint Co., New York (1969). [Originally published in 1933, this is the transcript of the eighteen book diary of Charles Darwin with notes and is an important companion to the Voyage of the Beagle.]
Esteban Lucas Bridges. The Uttermost Part of the Earth; Hodder and Stoughton, London (1948). [The later history of the Fuegians.]
Lois Darling. The Beagle - A Search for a Lost Ship; Natural History 69(5):48-59 (1960).
Charles Darwin. The Voyage of the Beagle; Dent, London (1909-1959). [A condensation of volume three of the Narratives which became popular reading. The work has gone through many editions. This is paperback of the Everyman edition and is still in print.]
Francis Darwin. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin; John Murray, London 3 volumes (1887-8). [A comprehensive work by Charles Darwin's son.]
Francis Darwin. More Life and Letters of Charles Darwin; John Murray, London 3 volumes (1903).
Francis Darwin. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin; Dover, New York (1958). [A very readable condensation of the Life and Letters.]
Robert Fitz Roy. Sketch of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle, 1825-1836; Journal of the Royal Geographic Society of London, 6:311-343 (1836).
Robert Fitz Roy, ed. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle; Henry Colburn, London 3 volumes (1839). [This rare set has never been republished in full. Volume one discusses the first voyage under the Australian Commander Philip Parker King, volume two, by Fitz Roy concerns the second voyage which carried Darwin, volume three is Darwin's 'Journal and remarks'.]
Richard Broke Freeman. Charles Darwin: A Companion; Dawson, Folkstone (1978). [A dictionary of facts, names, places by one of Darwin's many biographers.]
Jacob W. Gruber. Who was the Beagle's Naturalist?; British Journal for the History of Science 4(15):266-282 (1969). [Contends that the Darwin usurped the job of naturalist from the Surgeon McCormick; also suggests that Covington was only one of two servants employed by Darwin on the voyage.]
J.J. Keevil. Robert McCormick, R.N.; Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service 29:36-62 (1943).
J.J. Keevil. Benjamin Bynoe (1804-1865) Surgeon of H.M.S. Beagle; Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service 35:251-268 (1949).
Philip Parker King. Some Observations upon the Geography of the Southern Extremity of South America, Tierra del Fuego and the Strait of Magalhaens; Journal of Royal Geographic Society of London, 1:155-175 (1832).
Robert McCormick. Voyages of Discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic Seas, and Round the World: Being Personal Narratives of Attempts to Reach the North and South Poles; and of an Open-Boat Expedition up the Wellington Channel in Search of Sir John Franklin and Her Majesty's Ships "Erebus" and "Terror," in Her Majesty's Boat "Forlorn Hope," under the Command of the Author; Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, London; 2 Volumes (1884).
H.E.L. Mellersh. FitzRoy of the Beagle; Rupert Hart-Davis, London (1968 ). [An ancestor of the author was a midshipman on the Beagle. This is an excellent bibliography of Fitz Roy.]
J.J. Parodiz. Darwin in the New World. Brill, Leiden (1981).
Joseph Richard Selvin. The Galápagos Islands A History of their Exploration; Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, 25:1-150 (1959).
Henry Norton Sulivan. Life and Letters of the Late Admiral Sir Bartholomew James Sulivan K.C.B. 1810-1890; Murray, London (1896) [An autobiography by Sulivan's son, with only a short section on the Beagle.]
Keith Stewart Thomson. H.M.S. Beagle, 1820-1870; American Scientist, 63:664-72 (1975).
Keith Stewart Thomson. H.M.S. Beagle: the Story of Darwin's Ship, W.W. Norton (1995).
Anonymous. Newstead House Brisbane Australia; Board of Trustees of Newstead House, Brisbane (1976).
Billett, D.S.M. Deep-sea holothurians, Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev., 29, 259-317 (1991).
M.B.R. Cawkell, D.H. Maling and E.M. Cawkell. The Falkland Islands; Macmillan, London (1960).
James Cook. Captain Cook's Journal; Elliot Stock, London (1893). [Reprinted by the Libraries Board of South Australia.]
James Cook. Captain Cook's Voyages of Discovery; Dent, London (1906). [This is the oft reprinted Everyman edition.]
John Rawson Elder. The Letters and Journals of Samuel Marsden 1765-1838; Coulls Somerville Wilkie, Dunedin (1932).
H.C. Fancourt. The Advance of the Missions; Reed, Wellington (1939).
Robert Fitz Roy. Remarks on New Zealand; White, London (1846). [Fitz Roy spent a troublesome two years as governor of New Zealand. This spare volume has been republished by the Hocken Library, University of Otago.]
George Forbes. History of Sydney; Brooks, Sydney (1926).
William Forsyth. History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena; Murray, London 3 vols. (1853).
Samuel Lothrop. The Indians of Tierra del Fuego; Museum of the American Indian, New York (1928).
John Lynch. Argentine Dictator, Juan Manuel de Rosas 1929-1852; Clarendon Press, Oxford (1981).
Clements R. Markham, trans. Narratives of the Voyages of Pedro Sarmiento de Gambóa to the Straits of Magellan; Haklut Society, London (1895). [Quite an intrigue-filled set of adventures.]
E.H. McCormick, ed. Narrative of a Residence in New Zealand - Journal of a Residence in Tristan da Cunha by Augustus Earle; Clarendon Press, Oxford (1966). [A republication of some of some pre-Beagle travels by the famous Artist. Many illustrations from Fitz Roy's volume are actually from this period.]
E.Ramsden. Marsden and the Missions, Prelude to Waitangi; Angus and Robertson, Sydney (1936).
G.S. Ritchie. The Admiralty Chart; Hollis and Carter, London (1967).
Lloyd Robson. A History of Tasmania; Oxford University Press, Oxford 2 vols. (1983).
Victor B. Scheffer. Seals, Sea Lions and Walruses; Stanford University Press, Stamford (1958).
C.T. Stannage, ed. A New History of Western Australia; University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands (1981).
John Lort Stokes. Discoveries in Australia with an account of the Coasts and Rivers Explored and Surveyed During the Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle in the Years 1837-38-38-40-41-42-43; T. and W. Boone, London 2 volumes (1846). [A fine journal of the less-known third voyage of the Beagle by a good story teller. Republished 1969 as an Australiana Facsimile edition by the Libraries Board of South Australia.]
Ellis Troughton. Furred Animals of Australia; Angus and Robertson, Sydney (1957).
B. Weider and D. Hapgood. The Murder of Napoleon. Sten Forshufvud & Mitchell, London (1982). [Presented as a who-done-it, and implicates another Frenchman in the murder.]
Frederic Wanklyn Williams. Through Ninety Years; Whitcombe and Tombs, Auckland (1939).
F. Wood-Jones. Coral and Atolls. Lovell Reeve and Co., London (1912). [Mostly about coral atoll formation by a renowned biologist, but also has a good historical section.]