Archiving the Records of Contemporary Science
Liège 1996


Monday 27 May 1996

Arrival of participants

Around 18h00: Short visit of Liege

20h00: Dinner

Day 1 - Tuesday 28 May 1996

9h00: Introduction and Conference Framework

Conference Committee:

  1. Robert Halleux (Division of History of Science DHS)
    The International Community of Historians of Science: Formal structures and relationships.

  2. Rod Home (DHS - Commission on Bibliography and Documentation)
    The DHS Commission on Bibliography and Documentation: the key link with the archival community.

  3. Anne Barrett (Imperial College Archives, London)
    A analysis of the proceedings of the previous ICA Science Archives Subgroup meeting in Lancaster , England, 12-13 September 1994.

  4. Gavan McCarthy (Australian Science Archives Project, Melbourne)
    The Conference Framework from an archival perspective: Fundamental premises and universally accepted positions.

10h00: Morning coffee break

10h30: Session 1 - What is happening at the international "coalface"?

Who stands to lose the most through a failure to keep records? What is wrong with the practice of science that has led to a casual disregard for record-keeping?

Chair: Anne Barrett (UK)


  1. Philip Kent, (CSIRO, Australia)
    The Science of Recordkeeping: A View From 'Down Under'

  2. Christina Jonsson (RIT, Stockholm)
    A Swedish Perspective: Working towards authenticity and security.

  3. Andrée Despy Meyer (ULB, Brussels)
    The Insitutional Structures of Science and Archives in Belgium: A complex mixture of languages, cultures and bureaucracies.

  4. Odile Welfelé-Capy, (MIST, Paris)
    Discovering the extent of the problem in France: The development and use of ARISC - an archival research programme.

  5. Conclusion: reaction of a historian of science - John Krige (CSI, Paris)

  6. Questions / Discussion

12h30: Lunch

14h30: Session 2 - A European perspective

Reports from three European centres examining the issues being faced in these particular environments.

Chair: Peter Harper (NCUACS, Bath)


  1. Ginette Gablot (Musée Curie, Paris)
    Archives et musée en synergie: Une étude de cas.

  2. Julia Sheppard (Wellcome Archives, London)
    The Contemporary Medical Archives Centre and reflections on the impact of changes in record keeping technology for medical archives in the UK

  3. Carmelia Opsomer (Univeristy of Liège, Department of Manuscripts)

    An integrated approach to the management of the heritage and memory of scientific practice in Liège.

  4. Conclusion: reaction of a historian of science - Patricia Radelet (Centre d'histoire des sciences, UCL)

  5. Questions / Discussion

16h00: Afternoon Coffee break

16h15: Session 3 - Working Groups (to continue to 18h30)

  1. Strategies for Institutional Archives/ Archivists (second floor)

  2. Strategies at the National level (computer room)

  3. Strategies at the International level (steel room)

  4. The Conference Statement (electricity room)

20h00: Dinner

Day 2 - Wednesday 29 May 1996

9h00: Session 4 - Scientists' records: Historical understanding of scientific practice

Chair: Joan Warnow-Blewett (USA)


  1. Rod Home (University of Melbourne, Australia)
    History of Science and the Integrity of Primary Sources

  2. Finn Aaserud (Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen)
    National Registers: Issues from a proposed Danish archival project.

  3. Questions / discussion

10h15: Morning coffee break

10h30: Session 5 - New technologies and their impact on the documentation of science

Chair: Odile Welfelé (France)


  1. Gavan McCarthy (ASAP, Melbourne)
    Managing the Total Organisational Records Environment: An extented role for the contemporary archivist

  2. John Krige (CSI, Paris)
    Electronic communications systems: What's the problem?

  3. Didier de Vriese (Archives Université libre de Bruxelles)
    "Is there a pilot on the plane?"

  4. Questions / discussion

12h00: Lunch

14h30: Session 6 - Working groups

16h00: Afternoon tea

16h15: Session 7 - Roundtable / Panel

The Working Group leaders presented the work of their respective groups for final formulation, debate and endorsement by the meeting.

Chair: Robert Halleux (Belgium)

Panel members:

  1. Anne Barrrett (Imperial College Archives, London)

  2. Gianni Paoloni (Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Roma)

  3. Gavan McCarthy (ASAP, Melbourne)

  4. Joan Warnow-Blewett (CHP - AIP, Washington)

  5. Conclusion : Joan Warnow-Blewett

18h00: End of Meeting

Published by the Australian Science Archives Project on ASAPWeb, 12 September 1996.
Prepared by: Tim Sherratt
Updated by: Elissa Tenkate
Date modified: 25 February 1998

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