The organization shall be called the International Federation
of Associations for the Advancement of Science and
Technology (IFAAST).
The advancement and utilization of science and technology
are essential for the health and prosperity of individuals and
nations throughout the world. In order for science and
technology to be used effectively for these purposes it is
essential that they are understood and that their value is
recognized. IFAAST is an international grouping of
non-specialist organizations dedicated to popularizing
science and technology and promoting better public
understanding and awareness of them. It pursues its aims in
order to enhance the work of its members both individually
and collectively but in no sense does it seek to involve itself
with the affairs of individual member organizations or with
matters of a purely national character.
The aims of IFAAST are:
- to foster communication and collaboration amongst
national and regional Associations for the
Advancement of Science and Technology and other
organizations which aim to promote public awareness
and understanding of science and technology;
- to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas,
information and experience, including those of a truly
international character, amongst member
- to support, facilitate and encourage international
activities for young people in the field of science and
- wherever possible, to facilitate international activities
by scientists, engineers and technologists, including
visits to meetings of member organizations;
- to provide an international focus for the discussion of
global issues with a scientific or technological
- wherever appropriate, to encourage and facilitate the
establishment and continuation of Associations for the
Advancement of Science and Technology.
- Founding members
The founding members of IFAAST shall be those
organizations which agree to join by 31 October 1991.
- Members
National and regional Associations for the
Advancement of Science and Technology and other
organizations with similar purposes may be admitted
as members of IFAAST by a majority vote of members
of the Executive Committee.
- Withdrawal
Any member of IFAAST may withdraw from
membership by giving six months written notice
addressed to the Secretary, subject to all membership
fees and any other monies due to IFAAST being full
- Committees
The governing body of ffAAST shall be the General
Assembly, which shall comprise all members of the
federation, and which shall determine the policies of
IFAAST. There shall also be an Executive Committee
to implement these policies and to organize the
activities of IFAAST. Other committees any be
established by the General Assembly from time to
- Officers
The officers of IFAAST shall be the President, who
shall chair both the General Assembly and the
Executive Committee, Vice-President, who shall
normally be the President-Elect, Secretary and
Treasurer and such other officers as the General
Assembly shall determine from time to time.
All officers shall hold office for a period of two years.
- General Assembly
- the General Assembly shall meet not less than
once every two years;
- business shall be conducted by correspondence
between meetings;
- decisions shall be made by simple majority of
those voting; the President shall have a second
or casting vote;
- each member organization shall nominate one
representative to be a member of the General
Assembly who shall have one vote;
- postal voting will be accepted for all elections;
- the date and place of meetings shall be
dispatched to all member organizations not less
than three months in advance, by the Executive
Committee. Wherever possible, meetings will be
held in association with a meeting of a member
organization or other international event;
- there shall be a quorum of one-third of the
member organizations;
- observers from member organizations, and
other organizations at the discretion of the
Executive Committee, shall be allowed at
meetings of the General Assembly.
- Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the four
principal Officers of IFAAST and three other members
elected by the General Assembly. It shall normally
conduct its business by correspondence.
- Budget
The Executive Committee shall recommend a budget
to the General Assembly each year.
- Subscriptions
The Executive Committee shall recommend to the
General Assembly levels of membership subscription
in order to raise the income needed to meet budgeted
- Accounts
The Executive Committee shall present a set of audited
accounts to the General Assembly each year.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to make and
change bylaws.
Any proposal to wind up IFAAST shall be agreed by
two-thirds of the membership. In the event of a decision to
wind up the federation being agreed, any remaining assets
shall be assigned by the Executive Committee to other
organizations with similar purposes.
Changes to the constitution may by proposed by any member
organization; members shall be asked if they are willing to
deal with the amendment by postal vote; the amendment(s)
shall become effective if agreed by two-thirds of those