No.35, December 1995 ISSN 0811-4757
Towards the end of 1994 the ASA's SIGAMST (Special Interest Group on the Archives of Medicine, Science and Technology) was revamped as STAMA, with a new format newsletter, tentatively called Seshat & Thoth. Unfortunately, the proposed editor of this newsletter completely forgot that she had agreed to undertake this commitment, so no further newsletters have been forthcoming. Now that she has been reminded of her responsibility there should be more activity in this area in future.
STAMA now has an email list and a WWW page, where the first edition of Seshat & Thoth can be found. Instructions for joining the email list can also be found in our STAMA Mailing list report.
The 1995 AGM was held in Canberra on 27 July, with nine of the 62 eligible members present. Everybody introduced themselves and spoke briefly about their jobs. This was followed by the main item, a report by Gavan McCarthy on the activities of the ICA Committee on Scientific Archives, of which he is a member. Some concern was expressed that other special interest groups, with smaller membership numbers, attracted more people to their AGMs, and it was resolved to try to have a more structured AGM in future, with themes and speakers. All members present provided their e-mail addresses, in the hope that this would facilitate contact in future. Gavan McCarthy was elected Convenor for another year and Rosanne Clayton was reappointed as Newsletter Editor.
-Rosanne Clayton, STAMA
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