Remaking the Land - 'Views of Tower Hill'
These four works, collectively titled 'Views of Tower Hill', are
descriptive of the history of an extinct volcano in Victoria's
south west. Twenty-five thousand years ago it erupted and implements
found in layers of volcanic ash indicate aboriginal presence at
that time, these were the Koroitgundidj people. The first painting
'Landscape with drooping she-oak' is evocative of the ages, pre-contact,
when the Tower Hill islands were very densely and diversely vegetated,
and the lake or crater was a rich food source and wetland. This
was documented by Eugene Von Guerard in 1855 in a remarkable painting
commissioned by James Dawson, the then aboriginal protector for
Victoria's Western District.
Within five years, however, this landscape had been virtually
denuded by early settlers, given over to stock grazing, and the
Koroitgundidj people dispersed. 'Landscape with Blackberry', the
second painting, is a comment on this extraordinary pace of change.
How odd that in a region of flat, low-lying naturally-occurring
grasslands, the Europeans should seek to cultivate such a magnificent
natural feature, perhaps it did not conform to the pastoral idyll
of groomed landscapes and bucolic pleasures that brought with
The degradation of Tower Hill continued unabated, with crop growing,
quarrying for scoria, rubbish dumping, and an attempt to drain
the swamp and divert the waters to the Mayne River (see the third
painting 'Landscape with skeleton of Estuary Perch').
In 1892, however, public pressure brought forth a decision to
have the area made a National Park. It was not until 1961 that
a reforestation programme was commenced by school children, naturalists
and concerned citizens. For over half a century, the Tower Hill
islands were home to feral animals and introduced weeds. By the
beginning of the 1980s, around 250,000 shrubs, trees, grasses
and rushes had been planted. The last painting in this series,
'Landscape with Fairy Island and fern frond' is a testament to
the determination of the community to reverse such a sullied history
and restore the land to the original. Today the reforestation
is mostly complete, there is little top storey to speak of, but
in time the majestic manna and swamp gums and blackwoods will
reassert their presence - the endemic fauna is very cautiously
Curious that we should remake the land and then make it back again
in the course of two hundred years, what might we do in two thousand?