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WWW edition prepared by Tim Sherrat and Victoria Young for Bright Sparcs, June 1995

MICHELL, John Henry

Born Maldon, Victoria, 26 October 1863; died Melbourne 3 February 1940. Education, University of Melbourne (B.A. 1884) and Trinity College Cambridge (B.A. 1888, Smith's Prize 1889). Fellow of Trinity College 1890. Lecturer in mathematics, University of Melbourne, 1891-1923; professor 1923-28. F.R.S. 1902.
  1. The small deformation of curves and surfaces with application to the vibrations of a helix and circular ring. Messenger of Mathematics, 19 (1889-90), 68-82.
  2. On the exhaustion of Neumann's mode of solution for the motion of solids of revolution in liquids, and similar problems. Messenger of Mathematics, 19 (1889-90), 83-86.
  3. Vibrations of a string stretched on a surface. Messenger of Mathematics, 19 (1889-90), 87-88.
  4. On the stability of a bent and twisted wire. Messenger of Mathematics, 19 (1889-90), 181-184.
  5. On the theory of free stream lines. Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions., A, 181 (1890), 389-431.
  6. (Abstract) On a property of algebraic curves. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of Meeting., 4 (Hobart, 1892), 257.
  7. (Abstract) On the bulging of flat plates. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of Meeting., 4 (Hobart, 1892), 258.
  8. The highest waves in water. Philosophical Magazine, S.5, 36 (1893), 430-437.
  9. A map of the complex Z-function: a condenser problem. Messenger of Mathematics, 23 (1893-94), 72-78.
  10. The wave-resistance of a ship. Philosophical Magazine, S.5, 45 (1898), 106-123.
  11. On the direct determination of stress in an elastic solid, with application to the theory of plates. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings., 31 (1899), 100-124.
  12. The stress in a rotating lamina. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings., 31 (1899), 124-130.
  13. The uniform torsion and flexure of incomplete tores, with application to helical springs. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings., 31 (1899), 130-146.
  14. The transmission of stress across a plane of discontinuity in an isotropic elastic solid, and the potential solutions for a plane boundary. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings., 31 (1899), 183-192.
  15. Some elementary distributions of stress in three dimensions. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings., 32 (1900), 23-35.
  16. Elementary distributions of plane stress. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings., 32 (1900), 35-61.
  17. The stress in an aeolotropic elastic solid with an infinite plane boundary. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings., 32 (1900), 247-258.
  18. The inversion of plane stress. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings., 34 (1901-02), 134-142.
  19. The flexure of a circular plate. London Mathematical Society. Proceedings., 34 (1901-02), 223-238.
  20. The stress in the web of a plate girder. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 31 (1900), 377-382.
  21. The theory of uniformly loaded beams. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 32 (1901), 28-42.
  22. The determination of the stress in an isotropic elastic sphere by means of intrinsic equations. Messenger of Mathematics, 30 (1900-01), 16-25.
  23. The uniplanar stability of a rigid body. Messenger of Mathematics, 30 (1900-01), 35-40.
  24. (With M.H. Belz) The elements of mathematical analysis. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1937. 2 vols. 1087p.

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