1. Constitution: STAMA
a Special Interest Group, formed with the approval of Council
and in accordance with the Society's Rules, consists of members
(and representatives of institutional members) who elect to join.
2. Objectives: The objectives of the STAMA are -
(a) To encourage and facilitate contact and discussion
amongst members of the ASA interested in the management, promotion
and use of Science, Technology and Medicine Archives.
(b) To facilitate and encourage research and the
dissemination of information on developments, achievements and
initiatives in the area of Science, Technology and Medicine Archives.
(c) To facilitate contact with allied professionals
concerned with the management, promotion and use of Science, Technology
and Medicine Archives.
3. Membership: A SIG member
must be a financial ASA member (or represent a financial institutional
member). A financial member may elect to join (or, if an institutional
member, may nominate) by so signifying to the ASA Secretary.
4. Meetings: The SIG shall hold -
(a) General Meetings. The Executive may convene
a General Meeting of all members (and so far as possible shall
convene one at least annually to coincide with the Society's AGM)
at which office bearers are elected and a report of the SIG's
activities and finances will be presented by the Executive. Notice
of the time and place of a General Meeting and of the business
to be conducted must be sent to all SIG members at least 30 days
in advance.
(b) Ordinary Meetings. The Executive may convene
an ordinary meeting of all members of the SIG as and when the
Executive thinks fit.
(c) Special Meetings. A Special Meeting of all
or portion of the SIG membership may be convened on the motion
of any eight SIG members by notifying the SIG Secretary in writing.
The executive shall convene a General Meeting of
the SIG on the motion of any 10 SIG members by notifying he SIG
Secretary in writing.
5. Business at Meetings:
Only a General Meeting may elect office bearers or conduct the
business of the SIG. A quorum at a General Meeting shall consist
of 10 SIG members. Motions at a General Meeting shall be passed
if a simple majority of SIG members, personally present, vote
in favour.
6. Executive: In between
General Meetings, the business of the SIG shall be conducted by
an Executive comprising a Convenor (who is a professional member
of the Society), a Secretary, and such other officers as the General
Meeting determines and elects. The Executive may co-opt additional
members unless specifically precluded by a resolution of a General
Meeting from doing so. The Executive shall report to each General
Meeting on the SIG's activities and finances since the previous
General Meeting.
7. Finance: The Executive
may, with Council's approval, operate such bank accounts in the
name of the SIG as it sees fit.
Draft date: 23 April 1997 - These rules have been adapted from the rules used by other SIGs.