
STAMA Report 15/11/1995

Dear STAMAsters,

Now that our listserve has been running a couple of months I thought I would
give you a brief report on the membership as this should help you all to get
a better feel for the group.

Total current subscribers - 72

We have had two people unsubscribe from the listserve.

By country the results are:
USA - 31
Australia - 25
United Kingdom - 8
Sweden - 3
Canada - 2
New Zealand - 1
il - 1  (Ze'ev Rosenkranz could you let us know where you come from?)
is - 1 (Magnus could you lets us know where you come from?)

Mailing problems:
There has only been one regular email address that has caused problems even
though the original subscription was successful. If anyone in the USA is in
contact with Sandy Tonnesen (at sltonne@jade.imdi.sandia.gov) can they get
her to try and get in contact with me directly (if not by email then by fax).

Major Institutions (I have not done everybody as I have not been able to
decode all the email addresses - so this is a sample only and sorry about
the Australian bias)

Australian Science Archives Project (on top with 11 subscribers)

other Australian institutions are:
National Library of Australia
University of Tasmania
University of Sydney
University of Melbourne
University of Technology, Sydney
Monash University, Melbourne
James Cook University, Townsville
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Murdoch University, Perth, WA

University of Michigan
American Institute of Physics
John Hopkins
University of Oklahoma
University of California, LA

Imperial College

National Library of New Zealand
University of Toronto

Sorry to those I have missed - you will know who you are (perhaps you could
send in a note so we can fill in the gaps).

Cheers .... Gavan

*   Gavan McCarthy - Chief Archivist                          
*    Australian Science Archives Project                         
*     University of Melbourne                                         
*       203 Bouverie Street
*        Carlton, Vic. 3053 Australia                                  
*         gavan@asap.unimelb.edu.au                             
*          Phone: +61 3 9347 9287 Fax: +61 3 9349 4630
*           ASAPWeb! on http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/          
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