
Science-as-Culture: New Email forum

Dear STAMAsters,

This just arrived this morning so I thought I would pass it on.

Cheers .... Gavan

>For discussion of cultural aspects of science, technology, medicine and
>other forms of expertise (including the internet)
>Science as Culture is an unmoderated forum for critical discussion of the
>cultural aspects of all forms of expertise, for example, the impact of
>science on culture, how culture represents it, the culture of various forms
>of expertise, the theory of knowledge, the impact of science on culture,
>including film, video, music, writing, the internet and other
>communications media, etc.; changing concepts of nature, life and human
>nature, new technologies, gender aspects of science, racism, elitism,
>educational theories, you name it.
>Announcements of conferences, publications, jobs, issues in the relevant
>fields are also welcome.
>Science as Culture is affiiliated with the hard copy journal of the same
>name published by Process Press Ltd.
>and (US & Canada) Guilford Publications Inc. (info@guilford.com). A list of
>back issues is at: http://rdz.stjohns.edu/gp/process.html
>A web site associated with the forum will hold articles from back issues,
>as well as submissions under consideration (not obligatory), whose authors
>may benefit from constructive comments for purposes of revisions before the
>hard copy is printed, as well as longer piece not suitable for the email
>format which forum members may wish to discuss.
>The core constituency may be people concerned with cultural, social,
>hoistorical and philosophical studies of science, technology and medicine,
>but all are welcome. Accessibility of expertise to critical scrutiny is a
>large part of the point.
>Owner and Editor Robert Maxwell Young robert@rmy1.demon.co.uk
>Managing Editor: Les Levidow L.Levidow@open.ac.uk
>To subscribe, email to::
>Body of message:
>SUB SCIENCE-AS-CULTURE  yourfirstname yourlastname
>|  Robert Maxwell Young:  robert@rmy1.demon.co.uk
>|        26 Freegrove Rd., London N7 9RQ England
>|        tel. +44 171 607 8306 fax. +44 171 6094837
>|  Professor of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Studies,
>|        Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies,
>|        University of  Sheffield:  r.m.young@sheffield.ac.uk
>|  Home page and writings:  http://www.shef.ac.uk/~psysc/
>|  _Mental Space_: http://rdz.stjohns.edu/gp/rmy.html
>|   Process Press, _Free Associations_, _Science as Culture_:
>|        http://rdz.stjohns.edu/gp/process.html
>  'One must imagine Sisyphus happy.' - Camus
*   Gavan McCarthy - Chief Archivist                          
*    Australian Science Archives Project                         
*     University of Melbourne                                         
*       203 Bouverie Street
*        Carlton, Vic. 3053 Australia                                  
*         gavan@asap.unimelb.edu.au                             
*          Phone: +61 3 9347 9287 Fax: +61 3 9349 4630
*           ASAPWeb! on http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/          
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