Health and Medicine Museums is a Special Interest Group of Museums
Australia Inc. It provides an Australia-wide network of contacts,
a forum for ideas, and mutual support for people interested in
preserving the artefacts of health and medicine.
How to Join
Membership is open to all interested people or organisations. The annual fee is $10 for individuals, $25 for institutions. Send
your cheque made out to Health and Medicine Museums and
details of your name, the organisation or institution you represent
(if any), postal and street addresses, phone and fax numbers, and whether or
not you or your organisation belongs to Museums Australia, to
the secretary:
The Newsletter
There are two issues of the newsletter each year. We particularly
welcome notices of events or publications that may be of interest
to our members. Please send all contributions, letters or enquiries
to the editor:
Links to Related Sites
Good Sources for finding other HMM related sites
History of Medicine
Museums and Collections
Other Sites
If you find other HMM related sites that you think should be added to this page, you can e-mail the details to Lisa Cianci
at the Australian Science Archives Project