34, March 1995 ISSN 0811-4757
The Australian Forest History Society was started in 1988 to advance historical understanding of human interactions with Australian forest and woodland environments. Membership is open on application to any person or organisation supportive of the aim of the Society. New Zealanders are very welcome. The Society operates to be free of, and be seen to be free of, any particular interest group. Its Convenors are: Anita Brady, John Dargavel and Stephen Legg.
The Society publishes an occasional Newsletter with a circulation of 200 copies and has held two national conferences: Frawley, K. and Semple, N.(eds) 1987. Australia's ever-changing forests: Proceedings of the first national conference on Australia's forest history. Campbell, ACT: Dept of Geography and Oceanography, Australian Defence Force Academy. Dargavel, J. and Feary, S. (eds) 1993. Australia's ever-changing forests II: Proceedings of the second national conference on Australia's forest history. Canberra: Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, The Australian National University.
People interested in Australia's forest history come from many backgrounds, disciplines, types of institution and places. The Society provides a means of communication and contact on research in progress and welcomes anyone interested in the topic.
Contact: John Dargavel, 20 Laidley Place, Florey, ACT 2615, Australia. Tel/Fax: Australia (06) 258 9102. International: +61 6 258 9102. Email:[ Contents | Previous article | Next article | HAST | ASAPWeb ]