Inquiries and corrections to R.W. Home (home@unimelb.edu.au)
WWW edition prepared by Tim Sherrat and Victoria Young for Bright Sparcs, June 1995

HONNOR, Wilfred Weston

Born Adelaide 11 September 1904. Education South Australian School of Mines (Dip. Mech. & Elec. Engin., 1927) and University of Adelaide (B.Sc. 1931, B.E. 1935, M.Eng. 1946). Lecturer in wireless & electronics, South Australian School of Mines, 1927-35. Engineer, Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., U.K., 1936. Research engineer, A.W.A. Ltd., 1937-47; Chief, A.W.A. Research Laboratory, 1947-60; chief engineer, A.W.A. Ltd., 1960-66. President of the Institution of Radio Engineers Australia, 1953-54.
  1. (With I.H. Mathieson) A transmitter-receiver equipment for small aircraft. A.W.A. Technical Review, 5 (194l), 105-118.
  2. (With T.E. Trew) A low-power installation for ultra-high-frequency radio-telephone links. A.W.A. Technical Review, 5 (1941), 287-294.
  3. A low-power aircraft transmitter. A.W.A. Technical Review, 6 (1942), 37-41.
  4. Anti-vibration mountings for aircraft radio equipment. A.W.A. Technical Review, 6 (1945), 291-309.
  5. Design of some coupling circuits for aircraft transmitting aerials. A.W.A. Technical Review, 6 (1945), 393-412.
  6. The effects of atmospheric conditions on aircraft radio equipment. Institution of Engineers, Australia. Journal., 17 (1945), 133-141.

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