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WWW edition prepared by Tim Sherrat and Victoria Young for Bright Sparcs, June 1995

BISHOP, Wilfrid Barnard Shackson

Born Melbourne 2 November 1898; died Sydney 26 June 1973. Education Sydney University (B.Sc. 1923, M.Sc. 1928). Chemist, Central Research Laboratories Ltd., Sydney, 1924-27. Cancer Research Committee fellow, Sydney University, 1927-32. Chief chemist, William Arnott Pty. Ltd., Sydney, 1933-66. Part-time lecturer in chemistry, Sydney Technical College, 1928-54.
  1. The action of x rays and the rays from a radium needle upon cholesterol in vitro. Medical Journal of Australia, (April 1932), 610-612.
  2. The radiation of cholesterol. Chemical Engineering and Mining Review, 24 (1932), 145-146.

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