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WWW edition prepared by Tim Sherrat and Victoria Young for Bright Sparcs, June 1995
POLLOCK, James Arthur
Born Douglas, Co. Cork, Ireland, 17 November 1865; died Sydney 24 May 1922. Education, Queen's University College, Cork (B.E. 1884), Trinity College, Dublin, and Sydney University (B.Sc. 1889, D.Sc. 1905). Assistant, Sydney Observatory, 1885-87. Demonstrator in physics, Sydney University 1889-99; professor 1899-1922. Captain, later Major, Australian Military Mining Corps, 1915-18. F.R.S. 1916.
- (Abstract) (With R. Threlfall) On the Clark cell as a source of small standard currents, and on a galvanometer for the Prince Alfred Hospital. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of Meeting., 1 (Sydney, 1888), 110-112.
- (With R. Threlfall) On the Clark cell as a source of small constant currents. Physical Society, London. Proceedings., 10 (1888-90), 231-247; Philosophical Magazine, S.5, 28 (1889), 353-367.
- (With R. Threlfall) On measurements of the resistance of imperfectly purified sulphur. Physical Society, London. Proceedings., 10 (1888-90), 271-276; Philosophical Magazine, S.5, 28 (1889), 469-473.
- (With R. Threlfall) On some experiments with Röntgen's radiation. Physical Society, London. Proceedings., 15 (1896-97), 1-12; Philosophical Magazine, S.5, 42 (1896), 453-463.
- (Abstract) (With R. Threlfall) On a quartz-thread gravity balance. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 65 (1899), 123-126.
- (With R. Threlfall) On a quartz thread gravity balance. Royal Society of London. Philosophical Transactions., A, 193 (1900), 215-257.
- (With O.U. Vonwiller) Some experiments on electric waves in short wire systems, and on the specific inductive capacity of a specimen of glass. Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 3 (1902), 586-606.
- A comparison of the periods of the electrical vibrations associated with simple circuits. (With an appendix by J.C. Close). Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 37 (1903), 198-224; Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 7 (1904), 635-655.
- (With S.H. Barraclough) Note on a hollow lightning conductor crushed by the discharge. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 39 (1905), 131-138.
- A simple form of Sprengel vacuum pump. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 41 (1907), 140-143.
- A note on the electron theory of the carbon arc. Electrical Association of New South Wales. Proceedings., (1907-08), 103-110; Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 17 (1909), 361-366.
- (With A.B.B. Ranclaud) The discharge of electricity from glowing carbon. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 42 (1908), 201-214; Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 17 (1909), 366-374.
- (With E.M. Wellisch and A.B.B. Ranclaud) The relighting of the carbon arc. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 42 (1908), 215-228; Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 17 (1909), 449-456.
- (With A.B.B. Ranclaud and E.P. Norman) The discontinuity of potential at the surface of glowing carbon. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 42 (1908), 311-316; Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 18 (1909), 229-233.
- The ions of the atmosphere. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of Meeting., 12 (Brisbane, 1909), 31-41; Science, 29 (1909), 919-928.
- The mobility of the large ions in the air. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 43 (1909), 61-68.
- The nature of the large ions in the air. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 43 (1909), 198-203.
- The origin of the small bubbles of froth. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 45 (1911), 204-224; (abbreviated) Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 24 (1912), 189-196.
- The nature of the large ions in the air. Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 29 (1915), 514-526.
- A new type of ion in the air. Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 29 (1915), 636-646.
- The larger ions in the air. Nature, 95 (1915), 286-288.
- A note on the relation between the thermal conductivity and the viscosity of gases with reference to molecular complexity. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 49 (1915), 249-252; Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 31 (1916), 52-54.
- The wave-length of the electrical vibration associated with a thin straight terminated conductor. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 49 (1915), 253-257; Philosophical Magazine, S.6, 31 (1916), 96-99.
- A note on a relation between the thermal conductivity and the viscosity of gases. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 53 (1919), 116-119.
- The stethoscope, with a reference to a function of the auricle. Royal Society of New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings., 54 (1920), 187-196.
- (With O.U. Vonwiller) Practical physics; intended primarily for first year students in the Sydney University. Part I. Sydney: Angus & Robertson Ltd., 1907. (2nd edition Review & enl. 1918). 142pp.
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