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Wieneke, Jo

Published Sources
School teacher and Ornithologist
Born: Somerset, England
Jo Wieneke is a keen amateur ornithologist who has been involved with guiding bird tours and assisting with field work and surveys. She has written several books on the birds of North Queensland.

Career Highlights
Born Somerset. Trained and worked as a teacher in New South Wales. Later moved to Magnetic Island. Wrote Birds of Magnetic Island, Birds of Townsville and Where to Find Them (1989) and Where to Find Birds in North East Queensland (1992).

Structure based on ISAAR(CPF) - click here for an explanation of the fields.Prepared by: Rosanne Walker
Created: 20 April 2001
Modified: 30 April 2003

Published by The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre on ASAPWeb, 1994 - 2007
Originally published 1994-1999 by Australian Science Archives Project, 1999-2006 by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre
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Updated: 26 February 2007

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