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Australasian Association for the History,
Philosophy and Social Studies of Science

Issue No. 48, August 1994 (ISSN 0158 9040)

Edited by Tim Sherratt on behalf of AAHPSSS.

Australasian Association for the History,
Philosophy and Social Studies of Science

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

Held 6.00 pm, 11 July 1994
Griffith University, Queensland

Present: David Oldroyd (Chair), Jane Azevedo, Paul Brown, Jane Buckingham, Philip Catton, Alan Chalmers, Tony Corones, Doug Elliott, Guy Freeland, Jason Gallagher, Philip Gissing, Harshi Gunawardena, Carolyn Hayes, Judith Homeshaw, Miranda Hughes, Jorg Illi, John Jenkin, Kevin Korb, Monica Leggett, Justine Lera, Gordon Longworth, Rosaleen Love, Ian Lowe, Monica MacCallum, Doris McIlwain, David Miller, Stephan Millet, Viviane Morrigan, Ray Palglaze, Libby Robin, Rosemary Robins, Michael Shortland, Bruce Storey, John Sutton, Neil Thomason, Bob Traill, John Wennerbom and Jo Wodak.

Apologies: Randall Albury, John Forge, Rod Home, Keith Hutchison, Eveleen Richards, Tim Sherratt and Peter Slezak.

1. Minutes - Annual General Meeting 1993

The minutes of the AGM 1993 were accepted without amendment.
[Moved: Michael Shortland, seconded: Monica MacCallum]

2. President's Report

The President, David Oldroyd, noted that he had been on study leave abroad for the first half of 1994, and thanked David Miller (Executive Vice-President) for attending to AAHPSSS matters in his absence with assistance from Tony Corones (Treasurer), Libby Robin (Newsletter) and Michael Shortland (Metascience).

David Oldroyd reported briefly on the following matters:

The evident success of the Griffith University conference was noted, and the President commented that he was delighted with the number of student participants this year, and hoped that the `postgraduate sessions' initiated at this conference would become a regular feature of future conferences.

The President congratulated the following students on their receipt of Langham Bursaries: Amaya Alvarez (Melbourne), Jane Buckingham (Sydney), Philip Gissing (NSW), Philip Hart (Sydney), Barry Hodges (Newcastle), Bruce Sommerville (Sydney), Janusz Sysak (Melbourne), Wendy Varney (Wollongong).

The President noted with regret the deaths of two members, Beth Newland and Bob Gascoigne, and briefly outlined their career histories. He foreshadowed that obituaries would be published in the Newsletter.

It was moved [Alan Chalmers] and seconded [Paul Brown] that the President's report be accepted, and passed by acclamation.

3. Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer, Tony Corones, reported that the Association's finances were improving, but that they were still fairly limited [see Attachment A]. He reported on various cost-saving measures that had been instigated: Metascience had significantly reduced its costs, and the Newsletter had changed its format to save printing and postage costs. He also reported a gratifying increase in subscriptions, particularly institutional subscriptions. There had been a useful profit on last year's conference. [see Attachment B]. It was recommended that subscription rates remain constant this year.

It was moved [Ian Lowe] and seconded [Kevin Korb] that the Treasurer's report be accepted, and the motion was passed.

There was a brief discussion about auditing. It was agreed that the Treasurer be authorised to take the steps necessary for this year's accounts to be audited.
[Moved: Alan Chalmers, Seconded: David Oldroyd].

4. Report on Newsletter

The Editor of the Newsletter, Libby Robin, reported that the last issue, Number 47, would be her last, after carrying out the responsibilities of editorship for three years. This was because it was difficult to ask her present department (Environmental Planning) to support the Association, and it was difficult to edit from a distance. She thanked the University of New South Wales department of Science and Technology Studies for their support in the production of the last Newsletter.

Libby Robin moved that the Journal Contents section of the Newsletter be discontinued from issue 48, because its production was very time-consuming and because the service it provided had now been superseded by electronic alternatives. The motion was seconded by Michael Shortland and passed.

Miranda Hughes moved a motion of thanks to Libby for her work in compiling the Journal Contents over the past three years.

Libby Robin moved that the Association accept an offer from Tim Sherratt of the Australian Science Archives Project, Canberra Office, to undertake the job of Newsletter editor. The motion was seconded by David Oldroyd, and passed.

5. Report on Metascience

The Editor of Metascience, Michael Shortland, reported that the journal was generally well-received and that he felt that it was now well-established in its present form. He was, however, less than happy with its subscription base, and after giving the meeting some insights into the difficulties of production and editing, he requested specific help with the distribution and sales end of the operation. It was agreed that the association should provide funding of A$1500 p.a. to employ Jo Wodak to provide the assistance, in the hope of further increasing the subscription base, especially institutional subscriptions.

Michael Shortland reported that he had invited two new members to join the Editorial Board, Doris McIlwain and John Sutton. He concluded by thanking all who had assisted in the production of the journal, especially Julian Holland and Jo Wodak.

6. Australasian Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science

David Oldroyd drew to the attention of the association the series published by Reidel/Kluwer on the Australasian Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, edited by Rod Home, and commented that they were now publishing monographs. If anyone has, or knows of, a suitable manuscript, he or she should contact Rod Home.

7. National Committee for History and Philosophy of Science (Australian Academy of Science)

David Oldroyd reported that the National Committee for HPS had met on 10 July at Griffith University, and had received the resignation of Eveleen Richards as Chair. Stephen Gaukroger was nominated as the new Chair of the Committee. David Oldroyd suggested that if anyone had any ideas on activities that the Committee might pursue they should contact Stephen Gaukroger.

8. 1995 AAHPSSS Conference

There was some discussion of a possibility of going to New Zealand in 1995, but it was generally agreed that it might be better to wait until 1997 or 1998, when Auckland had made an offer to host the conference. However, a `straw poll' was taken and there was significant interest in a New Zealand conference, provided it could be held in July, a date which, however, might not suit New Zealand universities. November was also discussed, but fewer delegates thought this would be suitable. It was also suggested that a Blue Mountains venue hosted jointly by New South Wales and Sydney Universities would be an attractive proposition. The results of the poll of those present were as follows:

The Executive was authorised to finalise arrangements for the conference in the light of the discussion.

David Turnbull offered Deakin University for a venue in 1997, and the President thanked him for the suggestion.

9. Votes of thanks

The President moved votes of thanks to the following:

The motion was carried by acclamation. David Oldroyd was requested to write on behalf of the Association to express its thanks to Professor Brooke.

The Vice-President, David Miller, moved a vote of thanks to David Oldroyd for his work as President. This was also carried by acclamation.

10. Office Bearers

The President vacated the Chair, and Ian Lowe presented the following nominations to the meeting:

Regional Vice-Presidents:

Nominating Committee for 1995:

It was moved by Ian Lowe from the Chair that the above nominations be accepted. Passed unanimously.

11. Other Business

John Jenkin reported that he was currently acting as Editor for Historical Records of Australian Science, and invited members to submit contributions to him.

David Turnbull reported that Deakin University was hosting three conferences in the future:

Full details will be published in the Newsletter.

The meeting closed at 7.15 p.m.

Published by the AAHPSSS on ASAPWeb, 17 August 1995
Prepared by: Tim Sherratt
Updated by: Elissa Tenkate
Date modified: 8 September 1997

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